Title of Research:

Probabilistic Calibration of Particle – Based Masonry Wall


Experimental observations from lab testing shows that the interface between the mortar and the bricks has an important influence on the behavior a masonry wall. This research aims to use the discrete element method (DEM) for modeling a rehabilitated masonry wall. The model will be calibrated using the experimental observations to reproduce the mortar-brick interface subjected to compression and extension. Results will provide estimates likely scenarios of mortar-brick fracturing. PFC2D by ITASCA is the software used in this study.

Figure 1. Process to asses. The first image is the initial model and its boundary conditions. The second image is the 2D discrete model subjected to calibration. The third image is the physical model used to calibrate the discrete model. Images taken from thesis “Comportamiento de un muro de mampostería rehabilitado, sujeto a cargas laterales”, Ortiz Cahun Miguel Fernando, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. (2014).