Title of Research:
Developing Case Studies to Assess the Learning Enhancement of Engineering Concepts through Haptic Technology
Description of Research:
The knowledge and understanding of certain engineering principles—the way objects and properties look, feel, and react—relies heavily on data, visual aids, and one’s understanding of the underlying theories. Through repetition and experience, engineers can develop their knowledge of certain engineering principles, such as the deformation of a beam, the permeability of a soil sample, or the stress in a material. After analyzing data and visuals, engineers can assess situations and make conclusions. Often missing from these learning, analysis, and decision processes, however, is the involvement of touch. It is our hypothesis that by adding touch, through haptic technology, we can enhance the learning of certain concepts and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. This haptic technology is provided by the use of a stylus-style haptic device called Geomagic Touch X (previously known as Phantom Desktop) by Sensable Technologies.