Title of Research:
Developing case studies to assess the learning enhancement in engineering concepts using haptic technology.
Description of Research:
In geology and in petroleum engineering, understanding the reservoir is crucial for making decisions about where to drill, to optimize production, and to reduce risk. This task has been aided by the use of technology as modeling software and computational power have increased in recent years. Modeling the reservoir requires information from field data, as well as expertise on site characterization and its behavior. The stratigraphy, faults, and the location of oil or gas can be visualized by many available software applications. This allows the user to use 2D or 3D models to make decisions. The aforementioned tasks are performed using only our visual abilities. It is our hypothesis that by adding touch, through haptic technology, we can enhance the learning of certain concepts and gain a deeper understanding of the site in question. This haptic technology is done using a stylus style haptic device called Geomagic Touch X (previously known as Phantom Desktop by Sensable Technologies).